Last week was such a nice needed break, I was the only one in my apartment so it was nice and quiet and a lot of me time :)
Anyways, before the semester ended my very wise best friend Kori told me that I needed to get bangs. Let me just say that I haven't had bangs since I was in the 2nd grade. She had a streak of genius! I love the bangs and I don't know why I haven't thought of doing this earlier.
Curly Straight |
Friday was MOVE-IN day for the start of the new semester. Even though saying good-bye to three of my previous roommates was hard, I am looking forward to the three new ones that are here. Can't wait to see what fun adventures will happen with these girls!
On Saturday, Kori came back to Rexburg, watch out where ever we go there is trouble! We headed out to Idaho Falls to get some shopping done. Idaho Falls is home to my therapist who goes by the name of Target. Here we found these BOMB chairs! It was like a trampoline for your butt, and super comfy all at the same time! Hey dad, wanna get me that chair for me? Kay thanks that would be amazing.
This last picture has to be my favorite, but I also apologize for the awful quality of it. Sunday evening I went over to Kori's for dinner and to help her put together her room. Her neck pillow, Jackson is saweet pillow and the glasses she got for a Harry Potter birthday party we went to a couple of years ago where she dressed up as Professor Trelawney.
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